Monday, 28 August 2023

Welcome to Marketing/Entrepreneurship

 Course Outline Marketing 11 and Entrepreneurship 12


The purpose of this class is to introduce students to basic Marketing techniques and for students to learn about entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship as a career choice.

The course will be very practical in its delivery, and the big concepts include:

  • Understanding what Marketing is and how to promote a product (Marketing Mix) 

  • Product research, ideation, life cycle, and evaluation  

  • The role of advertising and social media marketing in business 

  • Ethics in Business and Marketing 

  • Understanding business, entrepreneurial opportunities, and the careers of Marketers and Entrepreneurs 

Core Competencies 

Communication, both individual and within a group 

Critical and Creative Thinking 

Personal and Social skills 

Emotional Intelligence 


Basic Units of Study 

The two courses will be delivered in a combined format since Entrepreneurs need to fully understand how to market and Marketers need to understand small businesses. 

  1. Marketing an Introduction: What is Marketing, Marketing Mix, Marketing Terminology, New Product Development, Supply and Demand, target market. 

  1. Entrepreneurship an Introduction: Definition, Traits of an Entrepreneur, Interview with Gary V, Johnny Cupcakes, a look at young entrepreneurs, Dragon’s Den, understanding the pitch. 

  1. Creative Challenges: Working in a group and understanding group roles, learning how to generate ideas, learning the benefits of divergent groups. 

  1. Marketing Ethics: Understanding the importance of business ethics, social issues and marketing, case studies. 

  1. Advertising: types of advertising, benefits of advertising, creating a product ad and a video commercial

  1. Social Media Marketing: Students will do research  on Social Media sites and present their findings to the class. We will learn about: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Blogger, You Tube, Linked-In Pinterest, Google plus etc. from a Marketing point of view.

  1. E-commerce: Understanding e commerce 

  1. How to start a Business: Product research , how to create a business plan 

    Intro to the Stock Market: understanding the basics of how the market works


  • All assignments are typed unless it is an in class group assignment or worksheet. 

  • Learn to effectively communicate with each other and the teacher 

  • You are aware of and refer to our class blog at least once per week 

  • You are expected to continue to complete work when you are away 

  • You consistently do your best to get work in on time. If you miss handing in 3 assignments in a row, you will be given an I form, and a call will go home unless you speak to me about why the work is late

  • Time will be given in class to complete work, if you have your own laptop or phone, bring to class to use 

  • Regular misuse of phones is not acceptable. 


It is my philosophy and hope to provide you with a useful, hands on course that will arm you with some basic business knowledge and a skill set that you can use in your life right now. I am a big believer in “side hustles” and believe you are all capable of creating your own business. 

Assessment: Informal ongoing assessment of participation in class discussions, group activities and presentations. Basic daily assignments, and tests. Learning through listening and participating is important in this course. Application of the knowledge learned will be assessed through practical assignments.

 Creative Activity in Groups: t-shirt clothes pin mason jar ball of wool pkg tennis balls                    Marketing Trivia for Prizes