Friday, 29 November 2019

Week of Nov 25-29

This was basically a work week. Students completed the pitches for their businesses and worked on completing the business outline, financial projections/expenses and refined their surveys.

Surveys need to be 10 questions long and should focus on learning more about your potential customer. The survey should be given to a minimum of 10 people, more would be better, and the results should be collated and analyzed.

Students were also given a Lululemon website and company analysis sheet to complete.

It is my hope to hand back the first 4 assignments students have handed in for term 2 on Mon.

Next week will focus on selling products within the school and the introduction  of how to do a business plan.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Week of Nov 18-22

This week we will be working in groups on your business ideas. Students should complete a detailed sheet outlining what their business is about, the financial requests to start the business, a customer survey, promotional plan, choice of charity and percentage given to charity.

Speaker Ian Adams will be at Isfeld Wed Nov. 20

Roam Media

Done Creative

Nestle essay is due Mon. Nov 25 at the very latest.

We will hear group pitches to receive financing for your business on Friday Nov. 22.

Pet Peppy Product Pitch

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Update Thurs Nov. 14


The Nestle Essay will be due next Friday Nov. 22. Please make sure you follow the criteria. You must have a minimum of 5 paragraphs, include sources in the body of your essay ( so do not write off the top of your head and babble, get to the point!) You must also tie in the ethical principles from the article on the site into your essay and have a bibliography of minimum 3 sources.

Avoid: I believe, my opinion, I think. The entire essay should be what you think. Have a strong intro and conclusion.

Reminder groups must have in their outlines for the group assignment on Friday in class, please include your choice of charity and a percentage you will be giving away and why. These sheets will be marked out of 10.

Students can work in the back computer room, on laptops, on their phones or a few students could work in Ms Becket's room if there are spare computers and she is Ok with that.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Ethics in Business Tues Nov. 5, 2019


Discussion in class: What would you do if your business received a bad review?
Discuss in group three ethical considerations for any business, but especially your own business.
As a business owner what things can you do to ensure ethical behavior in your business?

The four types of Corporate Social Responsibility are: environmental sustainability, direct philanthropic giving, ethical business practices and economic responsibility.

12 Ethical Principles of Business Ethics

Read the information on 12 Ethical Principles of Business Ethics, and using this information combined with the discussions we have had on ethical behavior in business complete an analysis on Nestle. Base your analysis on facts.

Nestle Assignment

1.5 typed pages min.
Intro: include the importance of ethical behavior in business, include a general explanation of how Nestle is guilty of unethical behaviors.
Body: Proceed with examples of Nestle's unethical behavior ( refer to the reading and our discussions)
Conclusion: Sum up your thoughts about Nestle, how it has/or could affect their business

Make sure the assignment is typed, has proper paragraphing and includes a resources list. If you are copying a quote or fact from an article, make sure you document it.(Just put the author's name in brackets after the quote)

Check out the following links:

Why Nestle is one of the Most Hated Companies in the world

Nestle is stealing water
Nestle Scandal
water in Ontario and Nestle
Outrageous Nestle Scandals
Why Nestle is Hated Video

Monday, 4 November 2019

The Founder

Last Thurs/Friday we watched The Founder ( on You Tube) in class and students had to complete a film sheet with a number of questions.

The following is the list of questions from the film sheet.

1. How do the McDonald's Bros. exemplify true entrepreneurial spirit?
2. What were some of the problems the McDonald Bros. had when they first started out? How did they problem solve? How did they have to educate their customer when launching the "speedy system?"
3. Comment on the quote, "we were an overnight success, 30 years in the making."
4. Explain what a franchise is and how it works.
5. What are some of the problems with franchising?
6. Describe the positive and negative qualities or character traits that Ray Croc has.
7. What are some of the problems associated with growth in any business?
8. With reference to this film, discuss the concept of ethics in business.
9. List 5 things you learned from the film. What do you know now that you did not know before The Founder.

 Creative Activity in Groups: t-shirt clothes pin mason jar ball of wool pkg tennis balls                    Marketing Trivia for Prizes