Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Ethics in Business Tues Nov. 5, 2019


Discussion in class: What would you do if your business received a bad review?
Discuss in group three ethical considerations for any business, but especially your own business.
As a business owner what things can you do to ensure ethical behavior in your business?

The four types of Corporate Social Responsibility are: environmental sustainability, direct philanthropic giving, ethical business practices and economic responsibility.

12 Ethical Principles of Business Ethics

Read the information on 12 Ethical Principles of Business Ethics, and using this information combined with the discussions we have had on ethical behavior in business complete an analysis on Nestle. Base your analysis on facts.

Nestle Assignment

1.5 typed pages min.
Intro: include the importance of ethical behavior in business, include a general explanation of how Nestle is guilty of unethical behaviors.
Body: Proceed with examples of Nestle's unethical behavior ( refer to the reading and our discussions)
Conclusion: Sum up your thoughts about Nestle, how it has/or could affect their business

Make sure the assignment is typed, has proper paragraphing and includes a resources list. If you are copying a quote or fact from an article, make sure you document it.(Just put the author's name in brackets after the quote)

Check out the following links:

Why Nestle is one of the Most Hated Companies in the world

Nestle is stealing water
Nestle Scandal
water in Ontario and Nestle
Outrageous Nestle Scandals
Why Nestle is Hated Video

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