Tuesday, 3 November 2020

The Founder Film Tues Nov. 3

The Founder Film Sheet 10 marks FULL ANSWER

If not in class, watch on Netflix at home.

1. How do the McDonald Brothers exemplify true entrepreneurial spirit?

2. What were some of the problems the McDonald brothers had when they first started out? How did they problem solve?

3. How did the brother educate their customer when launching the “speedy system.” 

4. Explain what a franchise is and how it works. List another common franchise.

5. List some of the problems with franchising.

6. List the positive and negative qualities of Ray Croc?

7. What are some of the problems with growth in any business?

8. With reference to the film, discuss the concept of ethics in business. 

9. List 3 things you learned about business from this film.


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