Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Wed Sept 22

 1.Quote from Stephan Covey's Highly Effective People: Discuss 

( Importance of participating in class informally)

2. Stock of the day: Magna stock

Magna International

The Electric Vehicle (EV) industry has become massive amid the rising environmental concerns, and Magna International (TSX:MG) is a company that has benefitted from the interest in the industry. The world’s third-largest automotive parts supplier has become a leading presence in the industry, and this is not the first time it has seen a period of rapid growth.

The turn of the last decade saw it grow by over 400% in five years until 2015, after which its share prices were relatively stagnant. The rise of the EV industry saw Magna International partner with several top manufacturers in the industry, providing it with the necessary boost it needed to position it well for capitalizing on the growing industry.

At writing, the stock is trading for $96.72 per share, and it is up by 8.61% on a year-to-date basis. The stock is down by 22.77% from its June 2021 high.

3. Wrap up product presentations

4. Review of Johnny Cupcakes: Hand in film sheet

5. Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Promotions, Placement ( Distribution)

Target Market: a particular group of consumers at which a product or service is aimed.

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