Friday, 16 December 2022

Friday Dec 16

  Good job on the Debate.

Watch on Netflix or You Tube

The Founder Questions:  Full sentence answers and typed please. 


1. How do the McDonald Brothers exemplify true entrepreneurial spirit? 

2. What were some of the problems the McDonald brothers had when they first started out? How did they problem solve? 

3. How did the brother educate their customers when launching the “speedy system.”  

4. Explain what a franchise is and how it works. List an example of a Canadian Franchise. 

5. List some of the problems with franchising. 

6. List the positive and negative qualities of Ray Croc? (2 or more for each) 

7. What are some of the problems with growth in any business? 

8. With reference to the film, discuss the concept of ethics in business.  


9. List 3 things you learned about business from this film. 

Monday, 12 December 2022

Mon Dec 12

 What we are up to this week

Mon.prepare for debate

Tues: watch part of the Founder/prepare for debate

Wed: debate

Thurs: Watch The Founder

Friday: finish the Founder, work on question sheet

Friday, 9 December 2022


Advertising in Schools Pro and Con

Video on how to create an argument.

The question is: Should we allow advertising/sponsorship in schools? 

Each student will hand in a written response for their side with at least 3 arguments and examples on the day of the debate.

The debate will run as follows:

  • Speaker from each side will introduce the main arguments
  • Back and forth arguments/rebuttals from various group members
  • (Have your points organized)
  • Speaker from each side to make final concluding statements
  • Q and A from the teacher and the group

Here are a few links to help you out. Be prepared to argue against the points that the other side is making.(prepare a rebuttal)

You may need to do some additional research!

LINK: Read this on the pros and cons of advertising in schools.

An academic paper on the pros and cons of advertising in schools

An Intro to the issue

Policy on Advertising in Okanogan schools

Surrey accepts sponsorship from Chevron

Toronto school accepts money for computer lab from sponsor

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Tues Dec 6

1. Starbucks video History and how they use social media.

2. Work on rehearsing Social Media Marketing presentations for presentations tomorrow.

3. Put presentation on M drive

4. Take notes on the Social Media Marketing Article for Thursday

Click on Link :

What we are up to next week

Mon.prepare for debate

Tues: watch part of the Founder/prepare for debate

Wed: debate

Thurs: Watch The Founder

Friday: finish the Founder, work on question sheet

Thursday, 1 December 2022

Thurs Dec.1

 You are to watch the video documentary on Coca Cola which unveils the history of Coke as a brand.

Answer the following questions and be prepared to discuss on Friday in class. When finished continue working on your Social Media Marketing project which will be presented on Tues or your Instagram ad which I would like handed in via document on email or printed by Monday.


1. What was the initial way that Coke started advertising.

2. What important lesson was learned about contracts with regard to Coke.

3. How did things shift for Coke during war times?

4. What 2 countries in the world DO NOT sell coke?

5. We will be doing a debate very soon on Advertising in schools, how did Coke take advantage of this opportunity?

6. What illusion was Coke trying to create by sponsoring athletes to use its products?

7. What kind of negative things has Coke been involved in over the years?( list 3 things)

8 Comment on this quote: "It's not about what your product really is, it's about what your customer thinks your product is. It is what your product represents." What does Coke represent to the people?

9. Even though the new Coke tasted better, why was there such a backlash against it?

 Creative Activity in Groups: t-shirt clothes pin mason jar ball of wool pkg tennis balls                    Marketing Trivia for Prizes