Friday, 9 December 2022


Advertising in Schools Pro and Con

Video on how to create an argument.

The question is: Should we allow advertising/sponsorship in schools? 

Each student will hand in a written response for their side with at least 3 arguments and examples on the day of the debate.

The debate will run as follows:

  • Speaker from each side will introduce the main arguments
  • Back and forth arguments/rebuttals from various group members
  • (Have your points organized)
  • Speaker from each side to make final concluding statements
  • Q and A from the teacher and the group

Here are a few links to help you out. Be prepared to argue against the points that the other side is making.(prepare a rebuttal)

You may need to do some additional research!

LINK: Read this on the pros and cons of advertising in schools.

An academic paper on the pros and cons of advertising in schools

An Intro to the issue

Policy on Advertising in Okanogan schools

Surrey accepts sponsorship from Chevron

Toronto school accepts money for computer lab from sponsor

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