Tuesday 24 September 2024

Wed Sept 24

 Reminder: Test #1 Thurs Oct 3: Make sure you complete the review.

"In the spirit of understanding and learning more about Indigineous ways."

The Bear's Lair LINK:mission,visionect

Complete the worksheet after watching the film and checking out the website.

A Product Life Cycle is the length of time from a product first being introduced to consumers until it is removed from the market. A product's life cycle is usually broken down into four stages; introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

Link to further Information:    Product Life Cycle 

Another link to Product Life Cycle...gaining an understanding Product Life Cycle

You are going to get into groups of 4 and brainstorm/research 4 products that would fall under each category of the product life cycle. make sure you copy the product life cycle into your notes.

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Week of Oct 15-19

 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur Do you have what it takes to be an Entrepreneur? ( 10 marks characteristic, example or non example)