Monday, 28 September 2020

Mon Sept 28 Pricing Assignment

Review of Pricing...a look at Luxury Brand Pricing 

Reminder WED this week is test review and Thurs. there will be a test on the material we have covered so far. Pricing Assignment is due by the end of the week.

Pricing Strategies

Deciding how much to charge for your product requires more thought than simply calculating your costs and adding a mark-up.“How much the customer is willing to pay for the product has very little to do with cost and has very much to do with how much they value the product or service they’re buying,” says Eric Dolansky, Associate Professor of Marketing at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ont. 

Pricing strategies are useful for numerous reasons, though those reasons can vary from company to company. Choosing the right price for a product will allow you to maximize profit margins if that’s what you want to do. Contrary to popular belief, pricing strategies aren’t always about profit margins. For instance, you may opt to set the cost of a good or service at a low price to maintain your hold on market share and prevent competitors from encroaching on your territory.

In these cases, you may be willing to sacrifice profit margins in order to focus on competitive pricing. But you must be careful when engaging in an action like this. Although it could be useful for your business, it also could end up crippling your company. A good rule of thumb to remember when pricing products is that your customers won’t purchase your product if you price it too high, but your business won’t be able to cover expenses if you price it too low.

10 different pricing strategies to consider

Here are ten different pricing strategies that you should consider as a small business owner.

1. Pricing for market penetration

As a small business owner, you’re likely looking for ways to enter the market so that your product becomes more well-known. Penetration strategies aim to attract buyers by offering lower prices on goods and services than competitors.

For instance, imagine a competitor sells a product for $100. You decide to sell the product for $97, even if it means you’re going to take a loss on the sale. Penetration pricing strategies draw attention away from other businesses and can help increase brand awareness and loyalty, which can then lead to long-term contracts.

Penetration pricing can also be risky because it can result in an initial loss of income for the business. Over time, however, the increase in awareness can drive profits and help small businesses stand out from the crowd. In the long run, after penetrating a market, business owners can increase prices to better reflect the state of the product’s position within the market.

2. Economy pricing

This pricing strategy is a “no-frills” approach that involves minimizing marketing and production expenses as much as possible. Used by a wide range of businesses, including generic food suppliers and discount retailers, economy pricing aims to attract the most price-conscious consumers. Because of the lower cost of expenses, companies can set a lower sales price and still turn a slight profit.

While economy pricing is incredibly useful for large companies like Walmart and Target, the technique can be dangerous for small businesses. Because small businesses lack the sales volume of larger companies, they may find it challenging to cut production costs. Additionally, as a young company, they may not have enough brand awareness to forgo custom branding.

3. Pricing at a premium

With premium pricing, businesses set costs higher because they have a unique product or brand that no one can compete with. You should consider using this strategy if you have a considerable competitive advantage and know that you can charge a higher price without being undercut by a product of similar quality.

Because customers need to perceive products as being worth the higher price tag, a business has to work hard to create a perception of value. Along with creating a high-quality product, owners should ensure that the product’s packaging, the store’s decor, and the marketing strategy associated with the product all combine to support the premium price.

An example of premium pricing is seen in the luxury car industry. Companies like Tesla can get away with higher prices because they’re offering products, like autonomous cars, that are more unique than anything else on the market.

Price to Position if you are the best in the market

This strategy is based on your position within the marketplace. If you are the leading expert, you can charge a lot more money. A lot of people understand how it is to sell lots of products, but how do you position yourself as the go-to brand? How do people know you’re the expert on whatever it is you do?

When you understand basic supply and demand, you are ahead of many competitors. Ask yourself how you can create more demand for what you do. After you’ve done that, you want to restrict the supply.

This all comes down to not flooding the market with your product or service. It’s better to keep the price higher by making sure the demand stays higher than the supply, just as the diamond market does.

4. Price skimming

Designed to help businesses maximize sales on new products and services, price skimming involves setting rates high during the initial phase of a product. The company then lowers prices gradually as competitor goods appear on the market. An example of this is seen with the introduction of new technology, like an 8K TV, when currently only 4K TVs and HDTVs exist on the market.

One of the benefits of price skimming is that it allows businesses to maximize profits on early adopters before dropping prices to attract more price-sensitive consumers. Not only does price skimming help a small business recoup its development costs, it also creates an illusion of quality and exclusivity when you first introduce your product to the marketplace.

5. Psychological pricing

Psychological pricing refers to techniques that marketers use to encourage customers to respond based on emotional impulses, rather than logical ones.

For example, setting the price of a watch at $199 is proven to attract more consumers than setting it at $200, even though the actual difference here is quite small. One explanation for this trend is that consumers tend to put more attention on the first number on a price tag than the last. The goal of psychology pricing is to increase demand by creating an illusion of enhanced value for the consumer.

6. Bundle pricing

With bundle pricing, small businesses sell multiple products for a lower rate than consumers would face if they purchased each item individually. A useful example of this occurs at your local fast food restaurant where it’s cheaper to buy a meal than it is to buy each item individually.

Not only is bundling goods an effective way to reduce inventory, it can also increase the value perception in the eyes of your customers. Customers feel as though they’re receiving more bang for their buck. Many small businesses choose to implement this strategy at the end of a product’s life cycle, especially if the product is slow selling.

Small business owners should keep in mind that the profits they earn on the higher-value items must make up for the losses they take on the lower-value product. They should also consider how much they’ll save in overhead and storage space by pushing out older products.

7. Geographical pricing

If you expand your business across state or international lines, you’ll need to consider geographical pricing. Geographical pricing involves setting a price point based on the location where it’s sold. Factors for the changes in prices include things like taxes, tariffs, shipping costs, and location-specific rent.

Another factor in geographical pricing could be basic supply and demand. For instance, imagine you sell sports performance clothing. You may choose to set a higher price point for winter clothes in your cold-climate retail stores than you do in your warm-climate stores. You know people are more likely to buy the clothes in the winter environments, so you set a higher price to take advantage of demand.

8. Promotional pricing

Promotional pricing involves offering discounts on a particular product. For instance, you can provide your customers with vouchers or coupons that entitle them to a certain percentage off the good or service. You could also entertain a “Buy One Get One” campaign, tacking on an additional product as an add-on.

Promotional pricing campaigns can be short-term efforts. For instance, you may run a promotional pricing strategy over an extended holiday, like Memorial Day Weekend. By offering these deals as short-term offers, business owners can generate buzz and excitement about a product. Promotional pricing also incentivizes customers to act now before it’s too late. This pricing strategy plays to a consumer’s fear of missing out.

9. Value pricing

If you notice that sales are declining because of external factors, you may want to consider a value pricing strategy. Value pricing occurs when external factors, like a sharp increase in competition or a recession, force the small business to provide value to its customers to maintain sales.

This pricing strategy works because customers feel as though they are receiving an excellent “value” for the good or service. The approach recognizes that customers don’t care how much a product costs a company to make, so long as the consumer feels they’re getting an excellent value by purchasing it.

This pricing strategy could cut into the bottom line, but businesses may find it beneficial to receive “some” profit rather than no profit. An example of value pricing is seen in the fashion industry. A company may produce a product line of high-end dresses that they sell for $1,000. They then make umbrellas that they sell for $100.

The umbrellas may cost more than the dresses to make. However, the dresses are set at a higher price point because customers feel as though they are receiving much better value for the product. Would you pay $1,000 for an umbrella? Probably not. Thus, external factors like customer perceptions force the value pricing strategy.

10. Captive pricing

If you have a product that customers will continually renew or update, you’ll want to consider a captive pricing strategy. A perfect example of a captive pricing strategy is seen with a company like Dollar Shave Club. With Dollar Shave Club, customers make a one-time purchase for a razor. Then, every month, they purchase new razor blades to replace the existing one on the head of the razor.

Because the customer purchased a DSC razor handle, he or she has no choice but to buy blades from the company as well. Thus, the company holds customers “captive” until they decide to break away and buy a razor handle from another company. Businesses can increase prices so long as the cost of the secondary product does not exceed the cost that customers would pay to leave for a competitor.

Partner Pricing Assignment: You are opening a new school store at Isfeld. You have to determine 3 products that you think would be good potential products in order to make money for the school. I want you to find these products at wholesale and then set the retail price for each product. 

Answer the following questions with regard to your task.

  1. Why and how did you decide on the products you did to put into the school store? Please explain the quality level of these products whether each is a high, medium ,or low end product.

  2. Determine a pricing strategy for each of the 3 products and explain why you chose this strategy to price your products.

  3. List the wholesale and retail cost for each product as well as the profit margin for each product.

  4. If you sold 100 of each product, determine the profit you would make on each product and the total profit of all of the products combined.

Example to understand simple profit margin.

Profit margin= net sales-cost of goods sold / net sales 

$20 - $10 = $10 divided by $20 = 0.5 = 50% profit margin

Friday, 25 September 2020

Young Entrepreneurs

 Hey Marketing/Entrepreneur is Friday and I know we are all tired. I do not think I can do the concept of pricing justice today, so we will save for Mon. So I thought we would look at some young entrepreneurs and see how they got started in business.

Hand in or email Ms. Chase: 10 Must Have Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur ( Hand Out)

Answer the question: Do you have what it takes to be a young entrepreneur? Support your answer with evidence and examples from your life.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Learn How Inventors invent: SUGRU

We worked on a group activity today, there was a worksheet that was handed out and needs to be completed.
B2C: Businesses that sell directly to consumers ex. Amazon
Bounce Rate: the percentage of people who land on a page and leave without clicking on anything. A high bounce rate leads to a poor conversion rate.
Conversion rate: Converting the person coming to your page to a customer

Videos on Pricing

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Wed. Set 23


Demographics is the study of a population based on factors such as age, race, and sex. Demographic data refers to socio-economic information, employment, education, income, marital status, birth and death rates. 

Psychographics is a qualitative method used to describe traits of humans on psychological attributes. Psychographics have been applied to the study of personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles.

Presentation of PowerPoint presentations: A review of buyer motivation 20 marks

What factors cause someone to buy a particular product?

Make sure students have handed in Innovative product assignment. 10 marks

A look at The Hundreds video ( link is on the post below)

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Mon Sept 14

1. Quote of the Day: Discuss

“There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.” – Seth Godin

Writer and former dotcom businessman, Godin is saying that talk is cheap, but in a nicer way. Yes, ideas are a dime a dozen, but the real meat on those bones comes from trying to realize them. It is only then that the problems show up and the real work of resolving them starts.

2. We have spent some time looking at innovative products on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Here is a video with a few new inventions that might catch your interest. Before watching the video, take some time to record down the new products from the list here. In your notebooks, jot down a brief description of each item and define the problem it is solving. Do you think the product has a chance to do well, explain why or why not. Be prepared to discuss with the group after you have spent some time completing the answers to these questions. ( 45 min)


View Glasses

Go Touch Beam



Smart Writing System

Mint Compact Printer

Propoint mouse

If this link does not work, go directly to You Tube and type in: Amazing Gadgets for students you should buy. ( Video by Techzone: Copyright may not allow me to link the video here.)

Allow students time to discuss and then go through each product and ask one of the groups to answer the questions for each of the products.

BREAK 10 min

3. We discussed product lifecycle last week. The following chart should be a recap. Remember there is one other phase after maturity called, resurgence or revival. We discussed that the record player was one of the products that bounced back after it declined. 

PARTNER CHALLENGE: In partners, do some research as a consumer on the best record player for the price currently on the market. Consider all factors: Style, effectiveness, size, portability, function, brand and price. If buying an American product, make sure you convert to Canadian dollars. Do not consult with any other groups. Be prepared to present your chosen product to the class on Tuesday via a powerpoint presentation and include a photo of your product. Probably a 3-4 slide powerpoint will be all you need discussing the reasons why you have chosen the product that you did.

Product Lifecycle Marketing: What Matters Most at Every Stage | CXL

If time(video is 20 min): Show the video on Bobby Hundreds and have students list 5 qualities he has that make him good entrepreneur. And list 2-3 reasons why his brand may not be as popular today as it once was.

Week of Sept 14-18

 The Week in Review

This week we looked at the Marketing Mix and dealt with the concept of product. Students had the opportunity to understand first hand how creating a new product works by experiencing it first hand in our cardboard box group challenge. We watched how Jonny Cupcakes turned himself into an entrepreneur by launching an innovative t-shirt company. We also added to our Marketing/Entrepreneurship definitions and are now up to almost 12 business definitions. We discussed buyer motivation and handed in a one paragraph assignment on your own reasons on what motivates you to buy products. The final assignment for the week was to check out Indiegogo and Kickstarter and find a product that you think will be successful and answer a few questions about it.

Monday, 14 September 2020

What is Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Marketing: A Definition

In 2017 The New York Times described it as "the art of telling stories so enthralling that people lose track of their wallets.

Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a product or service.

Marketing is the activity, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.

Entrepreneurship: A Definition

Entrepreneurship is the activity of setting up a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of gaining profit.

entrepreneurship as the process of designing, launching and running a new business. 

A person who undertakes the risk of starting a new business venture is called and entrepreneur. An entrepreneur creates a firm, which aggregates capital and labor in order to produce goods or services for profit. Entrepreneurship is an important driver of economic growth and innovation.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Welcome Back/Intro to Marketing & Entrepreneurship

Course Outline Marketing 11 and Entrepreneurship 12 


  • Understanding what Marketing is and how to promote a product (Marketing Mix) 

  • Product research, ideation, life cycle, and evaluation  

  • The role of advertising and social media marketing in business 

  • Ethics in Business and Marketing 

  • Understanding business, entrepreneurial opportunities, and the careers of Marketers and Entrepreneurs 

Core Competencies 

Communication, both individual and within a group 

Critical and Creative Thinking 

Personal and Social skills 

Emotional Intelligence 


Basic Units of Study 

The two courses will be delivered in a combined format since Entrepreneurs need to fully understand how to market and Marketers need to understand small businesses. 

  1. Marketing an Introduction: What is Marketing, Marketing Mix, Marketing Terminology, New Product Development, Supply and Demand, target market. 

  1. Entrepreneurship an Introduction: Definition, Traits of an Entrepreneur, Interview with Gary V, Johnny Cupcakes, a look at young entrepreneurs, Dragon’s Den, understanding the pitch. 

  1. Creative Challenges: Working in a group and understanding group roles, learning how to generate ideas, benefits of divergent groups. 

  1. Marketing Ethics: Understanding the importance of business ethics, social issues and marketing, case studies. 

  1. Advertising: types of advertising, benefits of advertising, creating a product ad 

  1. Social Media Marketing: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Blogger, You Tube, Linked-In Pinterest, Google plus etc. 

  1. E-commerce: Understanding e commerce 

  1. How to start a Business: Product research , how to create a business plan 


  • All assignments are typed unless it is an in class group assignment or worksheet. 

  • Everyone is on TEAMS and responds and checks teams regularly so you can communicate with each other and the teacher 

  • You are aware of and refer to our class blog at least once per week 

  • You are expected to continue to complete work when you are away 

  • You consistently do your best to get work in on time. If you miss handing in 2 assignments in a row, you will be given an I form, and a call will go home unless you speak to me about why the work is late

  • Time will be given in class to complete work, if you have your own laptop or phone, bring to class to use 

  • Regular misuse of phones is not acceptable. 


It is my philosophy and hope to provide you with a useful, hands on course that will arm you with some basic business knowledge and a skill set that you can use in your life right now. I am a big believer in “side hustles” and believe you are all capable of creating your own business. 

 Creative Activity in Groups: t-shirt clothes pin mason jar ball of wool pkg tennis balls                    Marketing Trivia for Prizes