Monday, 18 October 2021

Bobby Hundreds


Bobby Hundreds is one of the two founders of The Hundreds founded in 2003. Also known as Bobby Kim, he met Ben Shenassafar other founder, while at law school. Kim graduated from UC San Diego before going onto Loyola Law School, finishing at the top of his class.

PART 1: Watch the video in class and then answer the following. Due Wed. in class. (10 marks)

List and explain 5 qualities that Bobby Hundreds has that make him a great entrepreneur.

Example: He did what he was passionate about. For example he decided to give up being a lawyer to pursue his dream of developing a streetwear company.

“There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.” – Seth Godin

PART 2 : We have spent some time looking at innovative products on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Have a look at the Future Tech site on you Tube ( watch a few videos) and find one new futuristic product to introduce to the class on Wed. You will present the idea and describe what it does and then determine if the product would be successful. This is for marks.

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