Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Tues Oct 26

 NOTE to class: We will continue Sugru presentations when Ms Chase returns.

Link to Lululemon History Read out to class


Watch video

Check out Lululemon's website here: lululemon Website

Understanding how a company presents itself to the customer is an important part of business. Move your way through the Lululemon website and answer the following questions. This assignment will be marked out of 10 and handed in. To be done individually or in partners.

For students who have analyzed this company before ( last year's group) choose your own large company and answer the following questions around that company.

Lululemon Analysis (20 marks)  


A lot of the information to answer these questions can be found at the bottom of the website, 


1. What does Lululemon sell? ( List a few sample products) 

2. Who is their target market? (sex, age etc) Is there more than one target market? Give details. Do you think Lululemon provides products men would buy?

3. List the positives of the website, what works? (2-3 points) 

4. What could be done better on the website? (list 3 points) 

5. Do you think they use effective photos to advertise their products? 

6. Is there an obvious mission/slogan/manifesto that Lululemon has, if so what is it? 

7. What is the company's return policy like? How important you think this to online shoppers?

8. What do you the purpose of the community section is on their site? 

9. Do you think the community section of their site is effective...explain your reasoning. why/why not? 

10. List the programs the company is involved in. What do you think is effective about these programsdo you think they are in line with the company’s goals? 

( diversity and body positivity)

11. What makes a business a good corporate citizen? List 3 ways that Lululemon is a good corporate citizen.  

12. Do you think the prices for items are reasonable and in line with other competitor's products? Give details by searching competitors products. 

13. What promotions if any, does Lululemon offer at this time.

14. What kind of jobs would be available in this company? Is this a company you would want to work for? Explain why or why not. 

15. Check out the investor's section, what is the company's stock price today?

16. Check out Lululemon’s Social Media sites, are the sites working, do they have engaged followers? How do you know if the followers are engaged? 

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