Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Definitions you should know for our next Test

Start-up: A company in its first stages of development

Equity capital: Raising capital $$ through the sale of shares

IPO: Initial public offering, when a company first goes on to the stock market

Angel investor: A rich private investor who will back a start-up with their own money

Affiliate marketing: When a product or service is promoted on social media, a website or blog for money.

SEO: search engine optimization, which is necessary to have more people find your website.

Conversion rate: converting someone who goes to your site into a customer

Trend: A long lasting interest ( seasonal) in a product which is popular with the masses.

Fad: A short lived, often viral, facination or popularity of a product. ex. fidget spinner

Call to action: When you go to a website/social media account and you are asked to do something...like fill out an address form.

B2B: Business to business marketing or selling

B2C: Business to consumer marketing or selling

Bounce rate: The percentage of people who land on a page and leave without clicking anything

Proprietary: ownership of a design or technique

Patent: protection of intellectual property ( utility or design patent) is protected legally

Personal Selling: When a company sends a salesperson out to people's houses to sell. An example would be Avon sales or a vacumn cleaner salesperson.

Direct to consumer selling: Selling directly to the customer bypassing retail. Usually done through an online site.

Retail Selling: Selling through a brick and morter store.

Branding:  is the process of communicating a unique selling proposition, or differential, that sets a product or service apart from the competition. Examples of branding techniques include the use of logos, taglines, jingles or mascots.

Emotional Branding: finding ways to connect with the customer through storytelling


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