Thursday, 18 November 2021

Nov 18/19

Update of Assignments handed in so far.

  • I moved Lululemon to term 2 ( if you do not have it done, hand it in asap) 20 marks
  • 30 sec video ad plus planning sheets 30 marks ( 10 marks for outline sheet)
  • Persuasion film question sheet 10 marks
  • Market Research Group Question sheet 10 marks

Because everyone did so well on the debate, I will not collect your written arguments for marks. You all showed me you were prepared and engaged.

Market Research: Hand this assignment in as a group, or individually. Make sure your name goes on the sheet.

Prices: Creators Chicago Mix $5.19, Orville Theatre Butter $3.00, Smartfood $4.99 Bad Monkey$4.33

Market Research Product Testing Assignment:

The main purpose of this survey was to find out if Bad Monkey popcorn is a decent product and if anything needs to improve. I plan on sending them your findings.

 As a group try to gleam some information from your surveys. What were your findings? Most popular flavour? Least favourite? Were there any trends?( example girls liked certain flavours etc) Is popcorn even a popular snack food choice for teens? ( I heard groups discussing this yesterday)

 What tips would you give to Bad Monkey about their packaging, flavours and quality of their product compared to other brands? What seems to be the sweet spot for price for the larger bags of popcorn? Is it important to see the product through the packaging? Would the popcorn sell more in smaller bags why/why not? Think like a consumer, but also like a company who has just been given some very valuable product information.

Link to Bad monkey Website:

The main goal and objective of a market survey is to collect data surrounding a target market such as competitor analysis, pricing trends, and customer expectations. Whether you are leading a startup company or a tenured business, it is important to understand the needs of your customers.

Understanding Market Research

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