Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Sustainable Business Practices

Sustainable business, or a green business, is an enterprise that has minimal negative impact, or potentially a positive effect, on the global or local environment, community, society, or economy—a business that strives to meet the triple bottom line. Often, sustainable businesses have progressive environmental and human rights policies. In general, business is described as green if it matches the following four criteria:[1]
  1. It incorporates principles of sustainability into each of its business decisions.
  2. It supplies environmentally friendly products or services that replaces demand for nongreen products and/or services.
  3. It is greener than traditional competition.
  4. It has made an enduring commitment to environmental principles in its business operations.

You are to watch both videos as a class. After watching ( and potentially rewatching on your own) I would like you to respond to either one,( not both) of the videos.

A response can be any of the following: Length: 3/4-1 page in length
  • What did you think about the info? Does the info make you concerned, angry, surprised etc.?
  • Do you have any further information to add to what you watched?
  • Do you agree, disagree with the info presented?
  • Does the video make you think about some aspect of the bigger picture? your own buying patterns? What opinions do you have about what you heard/viewed?
  • How do you feel about company's who are using greenwashing as a promotional technique?
  • What does the video say to you as a consumer? Do the films raise any questions for you?
You are not to answer these questions outright, but rather gather your thoughts and respond intelligently to one of the videos. This assignment t should be typed and will be due at the end of the class on Wed.
I will be grading this assignment on the following:
  • Ability to present intelligent thoughts in a way that shows you have thought about the content of the video
  • In your writing you will speak to the concept of sustainability in business
This will be a term 2 assignment.

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