Thursday, 29 October 2020

Thurs. Oct 29


Link to Fast Company Business Articles: Fast Company

Today we will be working in groups for half the class on our Social Media Marketing Presentations.

Then we will begin presentations. Students should have at least a 10 min presentation. We will continue presentations on Friday, and wrap up Social Media.

Next week we will see the film The Founder and there will be a film sheet associated with it. We will also focus on distribution and begin ethics in business.

If we have time, we will go over how to do a business plan, and look at a sample business plan. 

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Social Media Marketing: Tues Oct 27

New in Business:Frozen Coffee

1. Handouts on Social Media Marketing

2. 2 Min video

3. Mountain Dew Instagram

4. Review of Link to Social Media Marketing Examples. 

5. Intro to work on group Social Media Marketing project (Groups of 4 or less)

Social Media Marketing Group Presentation: your group should use a Social Media Platform and include the following in your presentation: 30 marks

  • year platform was established and who created it (founders)
  • any pertinent historical info about the platform
  • # of users today
  • demographic of users today
  • Platform terminology explained ( think Twitter for Dummies)
  • features of the platform, how it works
  • benefits of the platform for a business
  • negatives of the platform
  • show a few examples of how a large and small business is using the platform
  • consider including links, videos and screenshots
Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, You Tube, Linked In Snapchat, TikTok or any other you think would be valuable for a business.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Thurs. Oct 21

1. Review of Appeals in Advertising

2. Advertising is how a company encourages people to buy their products, services or ideas. ... An advertisement (or "ad" for short) is anything that draws good attention towards these things. It is usually designed by an advertising agency for an identified sponsor, and performed through a variety of media.

Advertising includes messages that your company pays for, delivers through a mass medium and uses to persuade consumers to make a purchasing decision. The three general ad objectives are to inform, to persuade and to remind customers about the product and its benefits compared to those of competitors.

Types of advertising
Newspaper. Newspaper advertising can promote your business to a wide range of customers. ...
Magazine. Advertising in a specialist magazine can reach your target market quickly and easily. ...
Radio. ...
Television. ...
Directories. ...
Outdoor and transit. ...
Direct mail, catalogues and leaflets. ...

 The Advertising & Marketing Campaign Representative will help assist our client’s marketing and sales department with executing incredible, high-quality, imaginative residential advertising campaigns! This firm needs a dedicated, reliable, and professionally minded individual who is looking to expand their marketing, advertising, and management experience and skill set.

Advertising Salary Range: $32-100,000
Advertising career: Desirable Personality Traits:
Obsessively customer and client focused
Self-starter with an aggressive work ethic that appreciates constant improvement
Outgoing personality that is both personable and engaging
Excels calmly under pressure and is able to manage and compartmentalize potential issues in order to meet deadlines and leave customers both feeling heard and cared for
Strong eye for detail that sees what needs to be done and an ability to anticipate client needs
Key Responsibilities of the Advertising & Marketing Campaign Representative:
Provide brand presentations face-to-face with consumers during residential advertising campaigns to educate them on client services and create a positive brand experience.
Manage campaign set up including assisting with logistics and developing advertising campaign
Record data and information from advertising campaigns to track advertising campaign success.
Our client provides all training which means you don't need any experience. However, the following experience and skills would be a benefit.

Minimum Requirements of the Advertising & Marketing Campaign Representative:
Work related experience or study in advertising, marketing, public relations, communications, promotional marketing, marketing communications, and associated fields preferred.
High-energy personality with a passion for learning and winning.
Detail-oriented outlook.
Demonstrated resiliency.
Committed to others, i.e. service-minded.
Must exhibit intellectual curiosity, strive for continuous improvement, and have excellent problem-solving skills.
Goal-oriented self-starter who enjoys taking initiative and seeing results.
Practices sound judgment and enjoys accountability.
Strong analytical thinker.
Strong communications abilities: oral and written.
Team player mentality.

3. Review what makes an ad good?

 Objectives of Advertising: Click on to the link below

4. Objectives of Advertising

5. This PS4 ad has an Isfeld Grad in it.

6. What does it take to make a memorable ad campaign?

Ad Campaigns

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Ad Appeals and the best Super Bowl Commercials

Gumdrop Ltd collaborate with manufacturers and companies globally in order to offer innovative products made from recycled and processed chewing gum. With Gumdrop’s help, recycled and processed chewing gum can become a vast number of things from wellington boots, to mobile phone covers, stationary, packaging and much more. As well as being used as a more sustainable choice to virgin plastics.

art made from bubblegum

art from bubblegum2

products made from gum

Ads from 2018

Ads from 2020 

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Mon Oct. 19

Read: “If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” – Steve Jobs

We only see the success after it’s been reached. Like a tree that reaches the clouds, the roots that hold it up are invisible. 

2. Video on how to create an argument.

3. Collect homework from last day (textbook questions)

4. Students should work in their groups on the debate.

The question is: Should we allow advertising in schools? 

The debate will run as follows:

  • Speaker from each side will introduce the main arguments
  • Back and forth arguments/rebuttals from various group members
  • (Have your points organized)
  • Speaker from each side to make final concluding statements
  • Q and A from the teacher and the group
Here are a few links to help you out. Be prepared to argue against the points that the other side is making.(prepare a rebuttal)
You may need to do some research!

LINK: Read this on the pros and cons of advertising in schools.

An academic paper on the pros and cons of advertising in schools

Ask yourself this question: Could our school be better if we had more money?

Friday, 16 October 2020

Coffee and Donuts: Raising Funds for Terry Fox

Today we finished up homework questions on Advertising, and watched a few segments of Dragon's Den. I will be doing a homework check on Mon. and we will spend time working on the debate. The debate will take place on Tues. during class. Your group will need to choose someone to open the debate with an introductory statement and position on the issue at hand. Your group needs to also work on rebuttals.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Thurs Oct. 15

Covid commercial: Kruger Bathroom tissue

Advertising and Promotions: Textbook Questions

Please answer on a separate sheet.

1. Read page 244 Canadian Marketing Profile and then answer the following question.

How does Canadian Tire money help the company make a profit on its products and services?

Read from page 335 and beyond, and and answer the following questions.

  1. List which products and services advertising is most important for?(337)

  2. What are the goals/purpose of advertising?(339)

  3. Take notes on the following definitions: Brand trial, Brand preference, Brand Reminder, and Brand Re-positioning.

  4. What reasons would some businesses have to NOT advertise?

  5. Take notes on the following. (345)

Intent Message Media Reception Action

    1. Explain what a SWOT analysis is.

    2. Take notes on the following advertising appeals:

Biological, Emotional, Rational, and Social

  1. List the factors which would determine which medium would be used in advertising.

  2. List the pro's and con's of the different types of media (357-365)

  3. Discuss the concept of specialty advertising.

Prepare for a debate for Monday's class.

Should schools allow outside advertising for sports, school activities etc to help defray the cost of having these programs? Prepare 5 points for your side.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Tues Oct 13

1. Promotions Assignment: Find a product on and create an Promotional Instagram Ad using Canva. Print and hand in. 10 marks.

2. Tues/Wed will mostly be a work block period allowing students to get caught up on work.

3. Learning how to start a Lifestyle Brand: a young entrepreneur.

Friday, 9 October 2020

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Thurs. Oct 8

 Today we will be hearing the pitch presentations for the new product ideas for East Coast Lifestyle.

The pitch will be marked out of 10 for the creativity and level of ideas presented as well as the professionalism of the presentation. Students will hand in the product pitch along with their product/logo designs. This will be marked out of 20 for originality, execution, viability and detail.

We will then watch the final disrupter on Dragon's Den.

Monday, 5 October 2020

Adapting to change : Air Canada and the Corona Virus

 Reacting to the Corona Virus crisis: Read to the class

When crises first hit, companies need to react to immediate challenges and threats. At that point, it’s important not to lose sight of doing the right thing. Businesses must remain true to their vision, be empathetic to stakeholders, make quick decisions and adjust those decisions, if necessary, frequently and transparently on the basis of new information in order to adapt quickly. The actions by Air Canada illustrate this principle very well. Air Canada laid off 16,500 employees as a fast and direct response to a reduction of their flight schedule due to the decline of demand and border closures for non-residents. Recently, the federal government communicated the details of a wage subsidy package. Right after, Air Canada announced it was immediately rehiring most of their people based on the 75 per cent wage subsidies promised by the government. In disruption, operational challenges need solutions, cash management and liquidity need to be adjusted for the changes in demand and communications and leadership must be expanded into the digital space. If companies haven’t been online before, they likely are now. In a fast-changing marketplace, aggressively pushing new solutions into the market may help some companies. Many business issues resulting from disruption due to worldwide efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 will need quick fixes and solutions. They are also the beginning of new problems.

Students should work on Question 20 from Monday's class( can use the rest of class time) See post below for further details.

If finished everything: Go to link to lesson on Promotions and read through.

Understanding Promotions

Week of Oct 5

Case Study: East Coast Lifestyle

Students were handed out an article on East Coast Lifestyle, and  shown a few videos in class. There was a worksheet which had 19 questions on it which will be reviewed on Wed and homework checked at the beginning of the class. 

Students should work on question 20 on Tues. in class. Working in partners you are to create a new product for East Coast Lifestyle to target to West Coast customers. Basically, this would encourage west coasters to go onto the ECL site and buy a product. The product should not be solely West Coast focused, but should try to connect the two coasts together. Do not forget to determine the product ( umbrella, clothing, sticker, towel, t-shirt, pillow etc) you want to create.

Example: Connecting the Coasts: new t-shirt design sample logo

Description: With this newly designed logo, I am trying to show how the East coast and the West coast are similar and connected by their sun and surf. It doesn't matter  which coast you live on; we all enjoy the coastal environment.

Pitch: ( You would want to include a little more info like price, etc.) 

Whether you live on the East Coast of Canada or the West Coast, coastal communities are connected through their love of sand and surf. This logo which we would put on t-shirts and hoodies would be part of our coastal campaign program. Partial proceeds from the sale of these shirts will go to cleaning up beaches in coastal communities.

Link to East Coast Lifestyle Website:

Video: Behind the East Coast Brand

 Creative Activity in Groups: t-shirt clothes pin mason jar ball of wool pkg tennis balls                    Marketing Trivia for Prizes