Sunday, 18 October 2020

Mon Oct. 19

Read: “If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” – Steve Jobs

We only see the success after it’s been reached. Like a tree that reaches the clouds, the roots that hold it up are invisible. 

2. Video on how to create an argument.

3. Collect homework from last day (textbook questions)

4. Students should work in their groups on the debate.

The question is: Should we allow advertising in schools? 

The debate will run as follows:

  • Speaker from each side will introduce the main arguments
  • Back and forth arguments/rebuttals from various group members
  • (Have your points organized)
  • Speaker from each side to make final concluding statements
  • Q and A from the teacher and the group
Here are a few links to help you out. Be prepared to argue against the points that the other side is making.(prepare a rebuttal)
You may need to do some research!

LINK: Read this on the pros and cons of advertising in schools.

An academic paper on the pros and cons of advertising in schools

Ask yourself this question: Could our school be better if we had more money?

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