Wednesday, 27 September 2023


Group Chopstick Assignment

DAY #1

The challenge is to transform the chopsticks in order to create a new product to sell.

Materials: tape, glue, paint, paper etc.

Step #1: Working for 10 minutes on your own, research as many ideas as you can find to bring to your group.

Step #2: Get together with your group of 3-4 people and brainstorm your ideas. Remember not to judge ideas and accept all ideas at this point. (10-15 min)

Step #3: Decide on an idea as a group, gather the materials to create the new product.

DAY #2

Product Production: 2 members of the group will create the product and possibly the product packaging, making it look as professional as possible.

Product Description: 2 members will write up the details of the product and should include the following:

  • A full description of the product and how it would be used
  • Target market for the product, also explaining why they would want to buy the product
  • Answer the question, What problem does this product solve?
  • Estimated price of the product and why you chose that price
  • Where you would plan to sell the product.
Decide who is going to write the pitch and who ( can be more than one person) is going to give the pitch or present the new product in a creative way to the class. Make sure you explain or show how the product will be used.

DAY #3 Class presentations and evaluations.

  • ability to work cooperatively and collaboratively within a group environment
  • ability to work together to make a decision
  • quality and creativity of your product
  • communication of the details of your product
  • practicality of the product working in the real world

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