Monday 27 November 2023



Greenwashing is the process of conveying a false impression or misleading information about how a company's products are environmentally sound. Greenwashing is an unsubstantiated claim to deceive consumers into believing that a company's products are environmentally friendly or have a greater positive environmental impact than what is true.

In addition, greenwashing may occur when a company attempts to emphasize sustainable aspects of a product to overshadow the company's involvement in environmentally-damaging practices. Performed through the use of environmental imagery, misleading labels, and hiding tradeoffs. 

Links to articles:  Greenwashing a definition10 worst Greenwashing Companies

Greenwashing in Canada.   Coffee pods not biodegradable as promoted


  • Greenwashing is an attempt to capitalize on the growing demand for environmentally sound products.
  • Greenwashing can convey a false impression that a company or its products are environmentally sound.
  • Critics have accused some companies of "greenwashing" to capitalize on the socially responsible or ESG investing movement, misleading the public to make a business seem more environmentally friendly than it is.
  • Genuinely green products or businesses back up their claims with facts and details

You are to watch the following videos and take notes. After watching, ( and potentially rewatching on your own) I would like you to respond to the videos and do a little extra research on your own. ( See links)
A response can be any of the following: Length:1 page typed in length. 
Please include any sources you might have used at the end of your response.
  • What did you think about the info? Does the info make you concerned, angry, surprised etc.?
  • Do you have any further information to add to what you watched?
  • Do you agree, disagree with the info presented?
  • Does the video make you think about some aspect of the bigger picture? Your own buying patterns? 
  • What opinions do you have about what you heard/viewed?
  • How do you feel about company's who are using greenwashing as a promotional technique? Are they being real and doing it for the right reasons?
  • Are companies trying to persuade customers by greenwashing as a strategy to get people to buy their products?
  • What does the video say to you as a consumer? Do the films raise any questions for you?

Monday 20 November 2023

 West Coast Lifestyle

In pairs: Each member creates a logo for a new clothing brand. As a group you will decide the logo that works best to represent the brand. Please provide a copy of all three logos and then explain why you chose the one you did to present to the company.

Client Information: Westcoast Wear

·         Company is based on Vancouver Island

·         It creates a line of outdoor clothing: rain jackets, hoodies, sweatpants, hats/touques

·         The mission of the company is to "enjoy the outdoors in any weather"

·         The company believes in the beauty of west coast living

·         1 percent of profits will go to an ocean cleanup organization

·         The company likes the colours blue, purple and yellow

·         The target market is 25-45 and is focused on BC buyers


You will create 3 logo designs for Westcoast Wear Company. Once you create your logos, you will apply them to a T-shirt, hoodie, and head ware. You can find the AI (Illustrator) files in the M:Drive.

Create a mini PowerPoint showcasing your 3 logos and the one you chose along with a pitch to the company CEO about the beauty of your logo and why it is a good fit for the new company.

Friday 17 November 2023

East Coast Lifestyle

Marketing Mag: On Alex McClean


Behind the Brand: East Coast Lifestyle  (On your own) 20 marks 

Please answer questions on a separate piece of paper TYPED IS BEST

  1. 1. Explain how Alex McClean got started as an entrepreneur. 

  1. 2. What was the most difficult thing he had to overcome as an entrepreneur? 

  1. 3. What was Alex’s original career choice? 

  1. 4. Alex was smart enough to realize he could not do everything himself, what positions did he hire people for? 

  1. 5. What achievements has Alex gained since starting his business? 

  1. 6. Collaborating in business is a smart idea, what collaborations has East Coast Lifestyle entered into? (list as many as you can find) 

  1. 7. As a business, Alex continues to work on improving his business. What things have been essential for him to continue working on in order to maintain success? 

  1. 8. When it comes to business management and hiring how are Johnny Cupcakes, and East Coast Lifestyle similar? 

  1. 9. How much money did Alex use to start his business? 

  1. 10. List 5 clothing products Eastcoast Lifestyle sells, and 5 product items they sell. 11. 11. 11. Evaluate the quality and efficiency of the website. What works, what could be improved upon? 

  1. 12. List  3 of ECL’s collaborations. 

  1. 13. Who do you think is ECL’s target market? (be specific) 

  1. 14. List a number of places where his clothing can be purchased. 

  1. 15. How does Eastcoast Lifestyle give back to the community? ( use research and his website) 

  1. 16. What spin off’s of ECL has Alex entered into? (see podcast video) 

  1. 17. Explain using examples why do you think ECL is so successful? 

Thursday 9 November 2023

The purpose of a logo is to reinforce brand identity.

Five important elements of logo design
  • Simplicity. 
  • Relevance. 
  • Versatility.  
  • Uniqueness.  
  • Make it Memorable.

TRENDS IN LOGO DESIGN: logo design trend article

Simplification : simplification trend

Logos are becoming simpler as the years go on and this long-standing trend shows no signs of slowing down in 2022. Companies are increasingly using digital tools to communicate with their audiences. This new shift calls for simple and concise graphics. Designers are dropping intricate patterns and overly complicated fonts. Instead, they are opting for minimalist designs that replicate across a variety mediums.

How the Nike Logo was created: Nike video: logo creation
How to create a brand name VIDEO: Creating a brand name

Branding with Debbie Millman

Logo Design

1. List the 5 important elements of logo design with a bit of an explanation of each.

2. The purpose of a logo is to represent your brand in a visual way. Using the video information, discuss and take notes to show you understand how a logo is created and what elements are essential to creating a strong logo.

3. List a number of trends in logo design in 2022.

4. Why are logos becoming oversimplified?

5. How can brands today stand out through logo design?

6. Choose a smaller/newer brand with a strong logo and explain why you think the logo is good.

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Gary Vayner

Gary Vayner runs a Social Media Marketing Agency. At a young age he considered himself to be a "hustler." Questions and Take Aways from the Video 

1. School is built for workers. What are your thoughts on this?

2. According to Vayner, what is his advice on what is the most important things to consider in business? 

3. What technology is on the verge of exploding? what media is on the decline?

4. What does Gary V mean when he says..."jab, jab, jab, hook?"


Friday 3 November 2023

 Learning how to start a Lifestyle Brand: a young entrepreneur.

Thursday 2 November 2023

Johnny Cupcakes

Watch the clips and then answer the questions.

Link to Johnny Cupcakes site...check it out!


Johnny Cupcakes is a master at creating an experience around his brand. He has developed a loyal following and has created demand for his products. He is also one of the best businesses to create unique and interesting packaging.

Answer the following questions in full sentences.

1.    What inspired Johnny Cupcakes to start his business?

2.    What kind of early businesses did JC have?

3.    What advice does JC have for building a business?

4.    What does JC think the main reason people do not become entrepreneurs is?

5.    What advice does JC have for entrepreneurs?

6.    What kind of strategies does JC have for selling his shirts?

7.    According to JC what is the best part of collaborating with others?

8.    What crazy things does JC do to increase customer experience?

9.    What qualities/skills does JC have that make him a successful entrepreneur?

10. What are your takeaways from this video? What did you learn?

Week of Oct 15-19

 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur Do you have what it takes to be an Entrepreneur? ( 10 marks characteristic, example or non example)