Sunday, 20 October 2024


 Kid/Teen Entrepreneurs

After watching these videos, what do you think many of these young entrepreneurs have in common? On your own, do some research on a young  Entrepreneur of your choice and be prepared to present your findings to the class next week. You will have time to work on this next week. See outline of assignment below.


Young Entrepreneur Presentation in partners:  30 marks

  • Note: Do not use Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Evan Speigal...try to find new young companies or people we have not heard much about. 

In a powerpoint or Canva presentation: which will be presented to the class. Please use bullets and put things in your own words.

Slide #1: the name and photo if possible of your entrepreneur, and as much background info you can find about them.

Slide #2/3: All about their product or company, logos, product photos, how they got started. 

Slide #4: Why or how they started up their company/what problem were they solving. 

Slide #5 : Any other pertinent info.,  How much money does the company make, how many employees, who is their target market, how many years have they been in business.What do they charge for their product. Any problems they have run into while doing business.

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