Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Group Business To Do's: WED DEC 4

Note: Journal Entry #1 is due Friday, no exceptions.

Independent Groups ( Kaden, Michelle, Areeya, Timon, Jayden, Jordan)

I would like to see a rough copy of the description of your business in the proper format, some of you have already done this, but please make sure you have a mission, objectives, target market etc.

Give your company a name and explain why the name is one that will work for your business.
Create a logo for your business.

Produce your survey on a separate sheet of paper, typed and hand it out to 10 or more different people. Analyze your results, what information did you discover from your survey?

Begin research on your competition.
Complete some research on how to do an info graphic on your business.


Group #1 (Calum, Kalen, Lena, Matteo)

As a whole group, decide on a name for your business and an idea for a logo. Make sure you know when you are selling next and the promotions people do their part to create some hype around the sales of your product.

Calum:set-up and print out and complete sales and inventory sheets, begin researching how to do an infographic for your business.
Matteo and Lena:Begin working on the mission statement and the objectives of the business.
Make sure your surveys ( all 10 of them) have been filled out, Analyze your results, what information did you discover from your survey?

Kalen: You should type up the cookie recipe and begin doing a poster/announcement for your next day of sales. A copy of the poster should be kept for your final report.

Group #2 ( Gage, Antonia, Ben B, Antonia, Cassie, Jacob)

As a whole group, decide on a name for your business and an idea for a logo. Make sure you know when you are selling next and the promotions people do their part to create some hype around the sales of your product. What is your plan B if candy bag sales are poor? Only selling on Fridays may be limiting....get creative on how and where you can sell. 

Gage: Determine who will be selling on Friday and where. May I suggest your whole group sells in various locations ( especially where the grade 8's hang out) You have a lot of work to do around figuring out your product costs and quantities. Candy bags should be made up no later than tomorrow if you are selling on Fri. CASH BOX with float??? needs to be arranged
Antonia:You need to create and print out inventory and sales sheets for Friday.CASH BOX with float??? needs to be arranged. You are ultimately in charge of the money. Make sure you organize the receipts for items purchase. Work with Gage to determine a price for your product.
Ben B:Get a start on typing up your business's mission statement and objectives.
Cassie :present the survey results and findings to your group. Use this information to make some decisions around sales.
Jacob:Create a poster to put up around the school to sell your product. This poster should look professional and should be included in the final report. Toether Cassie and Jacob should work through the marketing plan step by step.

Group #3 ( Loreli, Lea, Ben H, Justin, Olivia)
As a whole group, decide on a name for your business and an idea for a logo. Make sure you know when you are selling next ( give each person a schedue) and the promotions people do their part to create some hype around the sales of your product. Also I feel that batches of 24-30 cookies is a seer amount so you do not have any that go stale.

Ben H: You need to begin to lead your group more. Call a meeting with your group to complete the above things as well as discuss how the group is working and when the group is selling and baking next. You need to have a schedule and people need to make sure they are fulfilling their jobs. One or two people should not be doing all of the work. Are you going to go to teachers with order forms? If so Ben, you need to create these forms and drop them off to key teachers. Also take photos of cookies.The recipes for the cookies should all be printed out and put into your final report.
Justin and Olivia: You need to create a poster for advertising the cookies, also put in announcements for next week to the office. You can both begin to look at how to do an infographic because you will both be responsible for creating one for your business ( each of you will produce one) USE YOUR CLASS TIME PRODUCTIVELY! NO PHONE!
Lea: Your group's survey needs to be handed out to 10 people and you need to keep all of the copies and begin analyzing the data. One thought I had is since you all made cookies, do you think there was a cookie that stood out as the best cookie in the bunch and maybe you all use that recipe to create your next batch, maybe make them after school as a group. Possibly discuss this idea.
Loreli: You should create, print and complete the inventory and sales sheets for your group.

Group #4 ( Hui, Rowan, Gracie, Max, Drew)

As a whole group, decide on a name for your business and an idea for a logo. Make sure you know when you are selling next and the promotions people do their part to create some hype around the sales of your product. Determine who and how they will be selling the guesses.

Hui:Get a start on creating the sales and inventory sheets, also look into how to do an infographic
Gracie:The new candies are on my desk, go to the office to get plastic gloves and count them into the jar, seal the jar with tape and keep your number secret.
Rowan: Type and cut more guess sheets, maybe 2 more sheets, get the margarine tub from my room and cover it to look good with paper and cut a hole in the lid, you can probably keep the guess sheets and the money in there.
Max: Begin typing up the description of the business, mission statement and objectives.
Drew: Complete another poster to advertise your candy guess, distribute around the school in key area, highlight the $20 gift card plus the candy. You could maybe print a few in colour in my back room. Also do some research on how to do an infographic for your business. Reminder you still have Nestle and Lululemon due.

Monday, 2 December 2019

Friday, 29 November 2019

Week of Nov 25-29

This was basically a work week. Students completed the pitches for their businesses and worked on completing the business outline, financial projections/expenses and refined their surveys.

Surveys need to be 10 questions long and should focus on learning more about your potential customer. The survey should be given to a minimum of 10 people, more would be better, and the results should be collated and analyzed.

Students were also given a Lululemon website and company analysis sheet to complete.

It is my hope to hand back the first 4 assignments students have handed in for term 2 on Mon.

Next week will focus on selling products within the school and the introduction  of how to do a business plan.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Week of Nov 18-22

This week we will be working in groups on your business ideas. Students should complete a detailed sheet outlining what their business is about, the financial requests to start the business, a customer survey, promotional plan, choice of charity and percentage given to charity.

Speaker Ian Adams will be at Isfeld Wed Nov. 20

Roam Media

Done Creative

Nestle essay is due Mon. Nov 25 at the very latest.

We will hear group pitches to receive financing for your business on Friday Nov. 22.

Pet Peppy Product Pitch

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Update Thurs Nov. 14


The Nestle Essay will be due next Friday Nov. 22. Please make sure you follow the criteria. You must have a minimum of 5 paragraphs, include sources in the body of your essay ( so do not write off the top of your head and babble, get to the point!) You must also tie in the ethical principles from the article on the site into your essay and have a bibliography of minimum 3 sources.

Avoid: I believe, my opinion, I think. The entire essay should be what you think. Have a strong intro and conclusion.

Reminder groups must have in their outlines for the group assignment on Friday in class, please include your choice of charity and a percentage you will be giving away and why. These sheets will be marked out of 10.

Students can work in the back computer room, on laptops, on their phones or a few students could work in Ms Becket's room if there are spare computers and she is Ok with that.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Ethics in Business Tues Nov. 5, 2019


Discussion in class: What would you do if your business received a bad review?
Discuss in group three ethical considerations for any business, but especially your own business.
As a business owner what things can you do to ensure ethical behavior in your business?

The four types of Corporate Social Responsibility are: environmental sustainability, direct philanthropic giving, ethical business practices and economic responsibility.

12 Ethical Principles of Business Ethics

Read the information on 12 Ethical Principles of Business Ethics, and using this information combined with the discussions we have had on ethical behavior in business complete an analysis on Nestle. Base your analysis on facts.

Nestle Assignment

1.5 typed pages min.
Intro: include the importance of ethical behavior in business, include a general explanation of how Nestle is guilty of unethical behaviors.
Body: Proceed with examples of Nestle's unethical behavior ( refer to the reading and our discussions)
Conclusion: Sum up your thoughts about Nestle, how it has/or could affect their business

Make sure the assignment is typed, has proper paragraphing and includes a resources list. If you are copying a quote or fact from an article, make sure you document it.(Just put the author's name in brackets after the quote)

Check out the following links:

Why Nestle is one of the Most Hated Companies in the world

Nestle is stealing water
Nestle Scandal
water in Ontario and Nestle
Outrageous Nestle Scandals
Why Nestle is Hated Video

Monday, 4 November 2019

The Founder

Last Thurs/Friday we watched The Founder ( on You Tube) in class and students had to complete a film sheet with a number of questions.

The following is the list of questions from the film sheet.

1. How do the McDonald's Bros. exemplify true entrepreneurial spirit?
2. What were some of the problems the McDonald Bros. had when they first started out? How did they problem solve? How did they have to educate their customer when launching the "speedy system?"
3. Comment on the quote, "we were an overnight success, 30 years in the making."
4. Explain what a franchise is and how it works.
5. What are some of the problems with franchising?
6. Describe the positive and negative qualities or character traits that Ray Croc has.
7. What are some of the problems associated with growth in any business?
8. With reference to this film, discuss the concept of ethics in business.
9. List 5 things you learned from the film. What do you know now that you did not know before The Founder.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Types of Businesses

A business entity is an organization that uses economic resources or inputs to provide goods or services to customers in exchange for money or other goods and services.
Business organizations come in different types and different forms of ownership.

3 Types of Business

There are three major types of businesses:

1. Service Business 

A service type of business provides intangible products (products with no physical form). Service type firms offer professional skills, expertise, advice, and other similar products.
Examples of service businesses are: salons, repair shops, schools, banks, accounting firms, and law firms.

2. Merchandising Business

This type of business buys products at wholesale price and sells the same at retail price. They are known as "buy and sell" businesses. They make profit by selling the products at prices higher than their purchase costs.
A merchandising business sells a product without changing its form. Examples are: grocery stores, convenience stores, distributors, and other resellers.

3. Manufacturing Business

Unlike a merchandising business, a manufacturing business buys products with the intention of using them as materials in making a new product. Thus, there is a transformation of the products purchased.
A manufacturing business combines raw materials, labor, and factory overhead in its production process. The manufactured goods will then be sold to customers.

Hybrid Business

Hybrid businesses are companies that may be classified in more than one type of business. A restaurant, for example, combines ingredients in making a fine meal (manufacturing), sells a cold bottle of wine (merchandising), and fills customer orders (service).
Nonetheless, these companies may be classified according to their major business interest. In that case, restaurants are more of the service type – they provide dining services.

Forms of Business Organization

These are the basic forms of business ownership:

1. Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is a business owned by only one person. It is easy to set-up and is the least costly among all forms of ownership.
The owner faces unlimited liability; meaning, the creditors of the business may go after the personal assets of the owner if the business cannot pay them.
The sole proprietorship form is usually adopted by small business entities.

2. Partnership

A partnership is a business owned by two or more persons who contribute resources into the entity. The partners divide the profits of the business among themselves.
In general partnerships, all partners have unlimited liability. In limited partnerships, creditors cannot go after the personal assets of the limited partners.

3. Corporation

A corporation is a business organization that has a separate legal personality from its owners. Ownership in a stock corporation is represented by shares of stock.
The owners (stockholders) enjoy limited liability but have limited involvement in the company's operations. The board of directors, an elected group from the stockholders, controls the activities of the corporation.
In addition to those basic forms of business ownership, these are some other types of organizations that are common today:

Limited Liability Company

Limited liability companies (LLCs) in the USA, are hybrid forms of business that have characteristics of both a corporation and a partnership. An LLC is not incorporated; hence, it is not considered a corporation.
Nonetheless, the owners enjoy limited liability like in a corporation. An LLC may elect to be taxed as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation.


A cooperative is a business organization owned by a group of individuals and is operated for their mutual benefit. The persons making up the group are called members. Cooperatives may be incorporated or unincorporated.
Some examples of cooperatives are: water and electricity (utility) cooperatives, cooperative banking, credit unions, and housing cooperatives.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Sustainable Business Practices

Sustainable business, or a green business, is an enterprise that has minimal negative impact, or potentially a positive effect, on the global or local environment, community, society, or economy—a business that strives to meet the triple bottom line. Often, sustainable businesses have progressive environmental and human rights policies. In general, business is described as green if it matches the following four criteria:[1]
  1. It incorporates principles of sustainability into each of its business decisions.
  2. It supplies environmentally friendly products or services that replaces demand for nongreen products and/or services.
  3. It is greener than traditional competition.
  4. It has made an enduring commitment to environmental principles in its business operations.

You are to watch both videos as a class. After watching ( and potentially rewatching on your own) I would like you to respond to either one,( not both) of the videos.

A response can be any of the following: Length: 3/4-1 page in length
  • What did you think about the info? Does the info make you concerned, angry, surprised etc.?
  • Do you have any further information to add to what you watched?
  • Do you agree, disagree with the info presented?
  • Does the video make you think about some aspect of the bigger picture? your own buying patterns? What opinions do you have about what you heard/viewed?
  • How do you feel about company's who are using greenwashing as a promotional technique?
  • What does the video say to you as a consumer? Do the films raise any questions for you?
You are not to answer these questions outright, but rather gather your thoughts and respond intelligently to one of the videos. This assignment t should be typed and will be due at the end of the class on Wed.
I will be grading this assignment on the following:
  • Ability to present intelligent thoughts in a way that shows you have thought about the content of the video
  • In your writing you will speak to the concept of sustainability in business
This will be a term 2 assignment.

Monday, 28 October 2019


Read the article on Distribution and answer the the questions at the end of the article.

A distribution channel is a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which a good or service passes until it reaches the final buyer or the end consumer. Distribution channels can include wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and even the Internet.

Indirect Distribution
Indirect distribution involves distributing your product by the use of an intermediary for example a manufacturer selling to a wholesaler and then on to the retailer.
Direct Distribution
Direct distribution involves distributing direct from the manufacturer to the consumer For example Dell Computers providing directly to its target customers. The advantage of direct distribution is that it gives a manufacturer complete control over their product.

Place and Distribution Intermediaries Defined
Manufacturer: Person, group or firm that makes the product.
Wholesaler: The party that buys large quantities of a product from manufacturers and sells it to retailers. Wholesalers sell goods to other businesses, they do not sell directly to consumers.
Retailers: The organisation that sells products directly to consumers and end users. As they are selling to consumers for personal use, the goods are usually sold in small quantities.

Levels of Distribution channels
Zero level channel – Where the distribution happens from company to end customer.
One level channel – Distribution happens with a single agent in between. Example – From manufacturer to E-commerce companies. And from E-commerce to customer.
Two Level channel – Distribution happens with 2 business entities in between. Example – Goods flowing from manufacturer to Distributor >> Distributor to Retailer >> And Retailer to customer.
Three level channel – Distribution happening with 3 business entities in between. Example – Goods flowing from Manufacturer to C&F >> C&F to Distributor >> Distributor to Retailer >> And Retailer to customer.

Through the use of the right place, a company can increase sales and maintain these over a longer period of time. In turn, this would mean a greater share of the market and increased revenues and profits.
Correct placement is a vital activity that is focused on reaching the right target audience at the right time. It focuses on where the business is located, where the target market is placed, how best to connect these two, how to store goods in the interim and how to eventually transport them.

Setting Goals and Direction
The first step to deciding the best distribution channel to use, a company needs to:
Analyze the customer and understand their needs
Discuss and finalize channel objectives
Work out distribution tasks and processes.
Some key questions to ask in finalizing these three areas include:
Where do users seek to purchase the product?
If is a physical store, is it a supermarket or a specialist store? Is it an online store? What is the access available to the right distribution channels?
What are competitors doing? Are they successful? Can best practices be used in making channel decisions?

Selecting Distribution Strategies

Intensive Distribution – This strategy may be used to distribute lower prices products that may be impulse purchases. Items are stocked at a large number of outlets and may include things such as mints, gum or candy as well as basic supplies and necessities.
Selective Distribution – In this strategy, a product may be sold at a selective number or outlets. These may include items such as computers or household appliances that are costly but need to be somewhat widely available to allow a consumer to compare.
Exclusive Distribution – A higher priced item may be sold at a single outlet. This is exclusive distribution. Cars may be an example of this type of strategy.

Assessing Benefits of Distribution Channels
While making channel decisions, a company may need to weigh the benefits of a partner with the associated costs. Some potential benefits to look out for include:
Specialists – Since intermediaries are experts at what they do, they can perform the task better and more cost effectively than a company itself.
Quick Exchange time – Being specialists and using established processes, intermediaries are able to ensure deliveries faster and on time.
Variety for the Consumers – By selling through retailers, consumers are able to choose between a varieties of products without having to visit multiple stores belonging to each individual producer.
Small Quantities – Intermediaries allow the cost of transportation to be divided and this in turn allows consumers to buy small quantities of a product rather than having to make bulk purchases. This is possible when a wholesaler buys in bulk, stores the product in a warehouse and then provides the product to retailers located close by at lower transportation costs.
Sales Creation – Since retailers and wholesalers have their own stakes in the product, they may have their own advertising or promotions efforts that help generate sales.
Payment Options – Retailers may create payment plans and options for customers allowing easier purchases.
Information – The distribution channel can provide valuable information on the product and its acceptability, allowing product development as well as an idea of emerging consumer trends and behaviors.

Assessing Possible Channel Costs
With the benefits in mind, here are some costs that a producer may have to weigh in order to make channel decisions
Lost Revenue – Because intermediaries need to be either paid for their services or allowed to resell at a higher price, the company may lose out on revenue. Pricing needs to stay consistent, so the company will have to reduce its profit margin to give a cut to the intermediary.
Lost Communication Control – Along with revenue, the message being received by the consumer is also in the hands of the intermediary. There is a danger of wrong information being communicated to the customer regarding product features and benefits which can lead to dissatisfaction.
Lost Product Importance – When a product is handed over to an intermediary, how much importance it gets is now out of the company’s hand. The intermediary may have incentives to push another product first at the expense of others.

Benefits of Channel Segmentation
A company may achieve one of more of the following benefits through channel segmentation:
Product Management – Relevant products may be provided to the right channel which can help reduce cost of irrelevant stock as well as unnecessary logistical arrangements.
Price Management – Local price differentiation may be possible.
Promotion Management – More targeted and relevant promotional activities may be possible with more clear and consistent marketing messages.
Efficiency in Operations – Time and resource wastage through the channel can be removed. Development needs of every channel segment can be addressed separately, in a more targeted manner.

No element of the marketing mix works in isolation. Information from each of them acts as input to the others. This is why when shaping a distribution strategy, input needs to be taken from all other elements of the mix and any considerations need to be addressed or incorporated. Product, price and promotion may have the following impacts on the distribution strategy.

Impact of Product Issues
The type of product being manufactured is often the deciding factor in distribution decisions. A delicate or perishable product will need special arrangements while sturdy or durable products will not require such delicate handling.
Impact of Pricing Issues
An assessment of the right price for a product is made by the marketing team. This is the price at which the customer will be willing to make the purchase. This price will often help decide the type of distribution channel. If this price does not allow a high margin, then a company may choose to use less intermediaries in its channel to ensure that everyone gets their cut at a reasonable cost to the manufacturer.
Impact of Promotion Issues
The nature of the product also has an impact on the type of promotions required to sell it. These promotion decisions will in turn directly affect the distribution decisions. Disposable goods or those of everyday use do not require too many special channels. But for a car, there needs to be extensive salesperson and user interaction. For this type of product, a specialist channel may be needed.

Questions: After you understand distribution?

Define and give an example of distribution in your own words.
What are the benefits of selling direct to consumer?
What are the negatives of selling your product through a retailer?
Why would car manufacturers want to sell their product through selective retailers?
Think of an example of a company that uses a zero level channel, in other words goes from manufacturer directly to the customer.
Explain the different channels of distribution Apple has for its I Phone products.
If you have a low margin on your product, why would it not be a good idea to sell your product through a retailer? 
List the three types of distribution that East Coast Lifestyle uses.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

You need to know your customer



Demographics is the study of a population based on factors such as age, race, and sex. Demographic data refers to socio-economic information expressed statistically, also including employment, education, income, and marital status.
In the field of marketing, psychographic variables are any attributes relating to personality, values, attitudes, interests, or lifestyles. They are also called IAO variables (for Interests, Activities, and Opinions).
Check out You Tube:  Key word Psychographics

nike ad

understanding demographics

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Ad Assignment

Ad Assignment: You and your partner are to create a 15 sec ad that focuses on selling your product or service to the class. You need to write a script for the commercial that should be typed and handed in to me when you present your commercial.

Presentation date: You should  be producing a video commercial  and it should be in the format to present in class on Wed Oct 23. If you are not prepared on this day, your assignment will still be marked but you will be deducted marks for not meeting the deadline.

Class time to work on this assignment: Thurs., Fri., Mon. and half of Tue.'s class.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Week of Oct 15-19

Please finish up advertising textbook questions, they are due tomorrow and will be handed in during class time. This should also include your 3 ideas for a new product or service idea after analyzing your life and what problems you encounter on a daily basis.

If you finish this go on to the following;

1. Define product life cycle. Read the following post about the rebirth stage of the product lifecycle.

Product rebirth

What product has made its way to the rebirth stage?

2. Define trend and fad.
3. Find 2 examples of fads that were unsuccessful, and 2 examples that have been successful in the past 5 years.
4. Do a little research on trending products in 2019/2020. What do you for see as a trend for early 2020? Explain why.

Check out his website

The anatomy of cool


The easiest way to categorize a fad is one word: short-lived. Typically, fads last for a total of one season, but they can also last less than a month. Fads are novelty driven fashion choices. A fad is often referred to as “catching on” with the larger population, but will often fade as quickly as it appeared. The easiest way to remember a fad is through a simple alliteration: fads fade. Although engaging in fads can be fun, they are often not worth investing a large amount of money or time.


Trends have a much longer lifespan than fads. In fact, they can continue to be fashionable for years and even decades. The primary difference between a trend and a fad is that trends have the potential to be long-term influencers on the market. In addition, trends often involve altered classics. For example, specific colors can be declared “trendy.” For 2014, the colors orange and blue garnered a lot of attention. However, orange and blue are classic colors; in other words, a classic piece has been declared a “trend.” Trends can be much more difficult to track, but the best rule of thumb when considering whether a piece is a classic or a trend, is to ask yourself: “Will I still love this in five years?” If the answer is a resounding “Yes,” then chances are that the piece is either a classic or an updated classic, both of which will age beautifully.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Speaker Eugene Chung

Speaker Eugene Chung coming to class Thurs. Oct. 11. He is a social media marketing consultant.

Friday in class debate on the Pro's and Con's of Advertising in the schools.

Article on the Pro's and Con's of Advertising in the schools

schools and advertising

According to critics, many advertisements endorse products that are detrimental to children's health, such as unhealthy food, and some people argue that children are more easily drawn to persuasive advertisements than adults.[11] It has also been argued that schools should be environments where students will not be distracted from their work by advertisements.[according to whom?]
Channel One News has 2 minutes of advertising for every 12 minutes of news.[12] Students can lose up to a full day of class time over a year for advertisements.[13]
There is a concern that children do not understand the motivation behind ads. Children under the age of 13 are a vulnerable population that lacks the executive functioning skills to comprehend what the advertisement is trying to sell and the techniques used to persuade and frame customer decisions. Children do not possess the same knowledge of advertising tactics as adults and are more susceptible to their persuasive intent. Elementary school children are not necessarily able to comprehend the fact that advertising agencies may have a different perspective from their own.[14]

Friday, 4 October 2019


Objectives of Advertising

Link to: top advertising agencies in Vancouver

link to BCIT Marketing Management and Advertising

15 popular advertising campaigns videos

is how a company encourages people to buy their products, services or ideas. ... An advertisement (or "ad" for short) is anything that draws good attention towards these things. It is usually designed by an advertising agency for an identified sponsor, and performed through a variety of media.
Advertising includes messages that your company pays for, delivers through a mass medium and uses to persuade consumers to make a purchasing decision. The three general ad objectives are to inform, to persuade and to remind customers about the product and its benefits compared to those of competitors.

Types of advertising
Newspaper. Newspaper advertising can promote your business to a wide range of customers. ...
Magazine. Advertising in a specialist magazine can reach your target market quickly and easily. ...
Radio. ...
Television. ...
Directories. ...
Outdoor and transit. ...
Direct mail, catalogues and leaflets. ...

 The Advertising & Marketing Campaign Representative will help assist our client’s marketing and sales department with executing incredible, high-quality, imaginative residential advertising campaigns! This firm needs a dedicated, reliable, and professionally minded individual who is looking to expand their marketing, advertising, and management experience and skill set.

Advertising Salary Range: $32-100,000
Advertising career: Desirable Personality Traits:
Obsessively customer and client focused
Self-starter with an aggressive work ethic that appreciates constant improvement
Outgoing personality that is both personable and engaging
Excels calmly under pressure and is able to manage and compartmentalize potential issues in order to meet deadlines and leave customers both feeling heard and cared for
Strong eye for detail that sees what needs to be done and an ability to anticipate client needs
Key Responsibilities of the Advertising & Marketing Campaign Representative:
Provide brand presentations face-to-face with consumers during residential advertising campaigns to educate them on client services and create a positive brand experience.
Manage campaign set up including assisting with logistics and developing advertising campaign
Record data and information from advertising campaigns to track advertising campaign success.
Our client provides all training which means you don't need any experience. However, the following experience and skills would be a benefit.

Minimum Requirements of the Advertising & Marketing Campaign Representative:
Work related experience or study in advertising, marketing, public relations, communications, promotional marketing, marketing communications, and associated fields preferred.
High-energy personality with a passion for learning and winning.
Detail-oriented outlook.
Demonstrated resiliency.
Committed to others, i.e. service-minded.
Must exhibit intellectual curiosity, strive for continuous improvement, and have excellent problem-solving skills.
Goal-oriented self-starter who enjoys taking initiative and seeing results.
Practices sound judgment and enjoys accountability.
Strong analytical thinker.
Strong communications abilities: oral and written.
Team player mentality.

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Roll Up the Rim Promotion

LINK TO: Roll Up the Rim Article Please Read


Evaluate the idea of changing the Roll Up the Rim Contest....Pro's Con's. Do you think moving the contest online will revive the contest? Why/Why not?

In groups of 2-3 come up with an alternative promotion that you think will be especially effective targeting the millennial population.


This Week in Business: The Economics of Impeachment 
By Charlotte Cowles 
What’s Up? (Sept. 22-30) 

The Cost of a Phone Call to Ukraine 
What could impeachment mean for your portfolio? In a flurry of indignant tweets, Mr. Trump threatened that “the markets would crash” if the process continued. Markets dipped on Tuesday after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the formal inquiry, and the S&P 500 Index closed the week down about 1 percent. There’s not much historical precedent to go on here: the S&P fell 25 percent during the Watergate scandal, but it rose during President Bill Clinton’s troubles. Some critics of the president believe his impeachment could actually be good for the economy. 

Speaking of Embattled C.E.O.s 
Kevin Burns, the chief executive of Juul Labs, abruptly left the vaping company. He was replaced by a top official at Altria, the tobacco industry giant that paid $12.8 billion for a 35 percent share in Juul last December — and may be regretting it now. Juul said it wouldn’t fight a proposed ban on most e-cigarettes in the United States and would suspend advertising of its products in the country. The number of lung illnesses linked to vaping, which is particularly popular with teens, climbed to 805. 

Almost 50,000 union workers at General Motors will start their third week of strikes this Monday, throwing a wrench in the company’s production in the United States. The union wants G.M. to provide better wages, reopen idled plants and pay new hires the same as veteran ones. But that doesn’t exactly square with G.M.’s big shift toward electric vehicles, which may require new facilities and skill sets. Still, an end to the dispute could be in sight, according to negotiators. 

More Plants on the Menu 
In case you needed another reason to invest in Beyond Meat: Disney announced that vegan meals would be available at all of its restaurants at Walt Disney World in Florida starting this week, and at Disneyland Resort in California next spring. Even if you’re not excited about vegetables, you should still be impressed by the themed meal names, like “Tatooine Two Suns Hummus” — an actual Star Wars-inspired dish at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Orlando. Meanwhile, McDonald’s has started testing consumer appetites for the “P.L.T.” — plant-based burger, lettuce and tomato — at a couple dozen of its Canadian locations. 
One of Wall Street’s biggest concerns about Beyond Meat Inc.’s stock is that current valuations limit potential gains, but the odds are now ‘very high’ that problem will be fixed soon, ironically, by the bears. 
Beyond Meat investors got what they were waiting for Thursday, as McDonald’s Corp. said it will begin testing in Canada a burger with a Beyond Meat-made, plant-based patty later this month. That sent the stock BYND, -2.29%  surging 11.6% to $154.34 on heavy volume. 
Jefferies analyst Kevin Grundy said this partnership has the potential to significantly boost Beyond Meat’s (BYND) sales, if it is eventually rolled out beyond the testing phase to McDonald’s 38,000 restaurants worldwide. 
Also, if you felt that Earth’s largest corporations didn’t have enough recording devices in your home, Amazon announced a fleet of new Alexa-adjacent gadgets that will bring her chirpy presence into earbuds, glasses, a ring and even a new collar that tracks your dog. 

Bill passes to make Sept. 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation statutory holiday 
Residential school survivor Phyllis Webstad and CRD Area F director Joan Sorley were in Ottawa for the vote 
St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School survivor Phyllis Webstad witnessed history in Ottawa Wednesday. 
Bill C-369, to make Sept. 30 a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation a statutory holiday, passed through the House of Commons on March 20 and will now move to the Senate before becoming law. 
Orange Shirt Day, which is also marked on Sept. 30, was inspired by Webstad’s experience of having her brand new orange shirt taken away on her first day of school at St. Joseph’s Mission residential school near Williams Lake. 


In marketing, promotion refers to any type of marketing communication used to inform or persuade target audiences of the merits of a product, service, brand or issue. The aim of promotion is to increase awareness, create interest, generate sales or create brand loyalty. It is one of the basic elements of the market mix, which includes the four Ps, i.e., product, price, place, and promotion.[1]
Promotion is also one of the elements in the promotional mix or promotional plan. These are personal selling,advertising,sales promotion,direct marketing,publicity and may also include event marketing,exhibitions and trade shows.A promotional plan specifies how much attention to pay to each of the elements in the promotional mix, and what proportion of the budget should be allocated to each element.

The Top 10 Most Popular Types of Sales Promotions
When it comes to promotions for your ecommerce store, how can you be sure you’re getting it right? Do you struggle for ideas on what you should do and when? We’ve put together a list of 10 popular sales promos to help steer you in the right direction…
1. Discounted products
Adding a discount to your products is possibly the most popular type of promotion. Customers love to grab a bargain, so it makes sense to offer discounts every now and then. When it comes to deciding the way you choose to promote - % vs $ - think about what will look more attractive to the buyer. Always consider your bottom line and be sure to not constantly have a sale, as people will just come to expect this as the norm.
  • Make sure your discount is attractive
  • Consider your bottom line
  • Don’t do it too often 
    2. Free Shipping/Free Returns
According to this WalkerSands infographic, 80% of consumers would be more tempted to buy from Amazon if they were offered free shipping. 66% would buy if they were offered next-day delivery and 64% said they would buy if they were offered free returns. Free shipping and returns gives the customer a sense of security that they wont lose out if they wanted to send the product back.
If you are worried about your margins then you can always incorporate the shipping cost into your product, or think about offering free shipping when a customer spends over a certain amount.
  • Free shipping/free returns creates customer security
  • Makes it hassle free 
  • Incorporate shipping cost into your product
    3. Flash Sale
A flash sale is basically an offer that only lasts for a limited time and it’s a great way to create a sense of urgency for the customer to buy. Many retailers are now adopting this strategy as a way to sell more products and get rid of surplus stock. Monetate found that 56% of businesses agree that flash-sale campaigns are better received than regular campaigns. The more successful flash sales are ones that don’t last very long and 50% of purchases occur during the first hour of a flash sale.
  • Market your flash sale with a recognizable visual
  • Put a shorter duration on your sale
  • Promote via email and on social
    4. Buy More, Save More
This kind of deal entices the customer to buy more of your stock, so it’s kind of a win, win. There will be plenty of potential customers visiting your store that want to buy, but feel guilty because of the price. Giving them a discount if they spend more, may just give them a little shove in the right direction. You don’t have to offer a huge discount, but make sure it’s attractive enough to convert visitors.
  • Entices the customer
  • Takes away the guilt of spending more money
  • Helps to sell more stock
    5. Product Giveaways/Branded Gifts
Let’s be honest, everyone loves a freebie so this really is a great promotion. Not only does it give potential customers the chance to test out your product, but also it entices people to buy your stuff! If your product isn’t something that you can giveaway, then think about creating some useful branded gifts that you can offer with each purchase. Think along the lines of keychains, bumper stickers, magnets, pens etc. Customers will appreciate the gesture and will think of you whenever they see their branded gift.
  • Lets customers test your product
  • Makes your brand memorable
  • Provides value and a reason to buy
    6. Loyalty Points
Rewarding your customers will help you build a solid base of loyal fans and it will entice people to shop more at your online store. Providing great customer service is so important to the success of your business, and offering a loyalty point system is a popular promotion. You could think about setting up a virtual card: The customer can gain points every time they buy and then use their points to get money off future purchases, or if they buy 9 items, they get the 10 th free.
  • Builds a loyal customer base
  • Provides better customer satisfaction
  • Provide them with a loyalty system to keep coming back
    7. Coupon Giveaway
This is a different way of promoting discounts. Sending your customers virtual coupons will make the promotion seem more exclusive and will give the customer more of a push to visit your online store. Think about sending coupons to loyal customers that have spent over a certain amount. You could also consider sending coupons to visitors that have experienced bad customer service, to try and convert them back to happy customers!
  • Makes the promotion seem exclusive
  • Keeps the customer happy
  • Offers a great way to win back disgruntled customers
    8. Competitions
The great thing about running a competition is that you only have to give away one thing, but you gain so much – making it a popular type of promotion! It will not only help raise your profile, but every person that enters, will then become an email contact that you can try and convert into a sale. If they’re entering your competition, chances are they are interested in your products, so running a competition is a great idea – particularly for start-ups.
  • Great way to gain email sign ups
  • Helps you raise your profile
  • It will create a buzz on social media
    9. Price Match Promise
Price match promise has fast become one of the most popular ways to promote your brand, particularly if you have a lot of competitors out there. It allows your customers to shop with you and will be safe in the knowledge that if they can get it cheaper somewhere else, you’ll refund the difference. There’s nothing to lose for them and it means that you still get to keep a solid customer base.
  • Helps you stay ahead of the competition
  • Provides a no lose situation for the customer
  • It’s a bold move that will build loyal customers
    10. Holiday Promotions
There is a reason that holiday promotions are so successful. Customers always like to spend more around the holidays, making it the perfect opportunity for you to get your brand out there and sell more products. You don’t have to go too crazy on your offers, but enticing customers with slight discounts will always work in your favor. It’s also the perfect time to get creative with your promotion and use the theme of the holiday, to sell your products.
  • You don’t need to offer huge discounts 
  • Get creative with your promotions
  • You will sell more during the holidays

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