Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Simon's ad 

Discussion: Has Simon's gone too far?

Continue working on Social Media Assignment.

Monday, 28 November 2022

Today we will have a look at some of the ads taking place at FIFA

Watch only the first 8 minutes of the video. A reminder that Adam Erhart who runs this channel is a Comox Valley resident.

Next watch the second video. What is Social Media Marketing? ( Watch on Tues)


NEW GROUP ASSIGNMENT: Social Media Marketing POWERPOINT Presentations ( no more than 4 people per group)

to be presented to the class, each person taking  a turn to speak: 

3 classes are scheduled to complete this assignment You will present on Tues DEC 6  

We will continue to do other work all week as well.

Groups Are:


You Tube: 








Snapchat or other chat Quora/Reddit:


The presentation should be done on Powerpoint, the slides should consist of the following:

  • Introduction, Photo of the Symbol, Description of the media outlet
  • Basically show its features and how it works
  • History
  • User base/demographics, how many people are on the platform, what age, etc.
  • How is it used/break down the elements of the platform ( show visual examples)
  • Find a business and show how the business is creating organic content 
  • ( screenshot)
  • With this same business show what their ads look like (screenshot)
  • Show samples of user content
  • Benefits and Negatives
  • Please include a References slide so I can check where you got your info from
Criteria for Marking:
  • Make the slides easy to read, choose contrasting colours
  • Insert good sized images so they can be seen
  • write in point for/bullets
  • keep it simple, you can say more in the presentation, but everything does not have to go on the slides
  • each person in the group is responsible for at least one slide and needs to speak in the presentation
  • make sure you are organized, speak loud and concisely

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Friday Nov 25


  •  Hwk check Advertising types (5 mks)
  •  Review of this assignment with class
  •  Takeaways from learning about Alex McClean and Eastcoast Lifestyle
  • Watch 7 minutes of award winning commercials

  • RE-introduce big final assignment
  •  ( take time to think about what you want to do and who you want to work with)

Time to work on unfinished work and consult with Ms Chase about Final Major project ideas.

Final Major Project Ideas: 50 marks

  • Group business ( max 4 per group)
  • Individual Business (self)
  • Mock business (self or partner)
  • Research an area of Interest in Marketing or Entrepreneurship, self ( outline of what you want to research, video or article log, plus a report or evidence of learning or a class presentation)Ideas: The effects of advertising on children, effective strategies for social media marketing,
  • Interviews with three Entrepreneurs with questions and takeaways ( self or partner)
  • Explore the concept of product development (self)
  • Other: Pitch me an idea
Proposals to Ms Chase end of next week

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Wed. Nov 23

 Ms Chase is still way today, but should be back on Thurs.

Students should be working on the following in this order:

  • Any old work including: Lululemon, Marketing Film Questions, Greenwashing (last chance to hand in for a mark Fri
  • East Coast Lifestyle Questions Please make sure these are typed and done on your own (when finished move on to ad assignment)
You are to create a high quality ad for Instagram: this means you need to use a square format.
You will need to search for a product that will be sold in December leading up to Christmas.
I suggest you use Canva since they have an Instagram template. This will be a photo ad. The ad will be proofread by Ms Chase and then printed out in colour.
Bonus marks: If you want to challenge yourself to do a video ad ( using your phone) or you choose to use your own photography you will receive 2 bonus marks.

Criteria for this assignment:
  • square format
  • photo of product included in ad
  • features of the product
  • fonts and colours work week
  • ad is easily readable and not cluttered
  • ad looks professional ( layout of ad is clean and visually pleasing)
  • MARKS 10 marks

Only show up to 3:20 of this video.

Sunday, 20 November 2022

Mon Nov 21

Ms Chase is sick today and will likely be away Tues. as well. We will do the homework check for the advertising assignment on Wed and continue with advertising then. For today and Tues we will shift to learning about Entrepreneur Alex McClean who started up his business as a class project when he was in university.

You are to watch as a class the first three videos ( they are about 12 min in length) Then you should read the article on Alex McClean from the Toronto Star, and then check out the Eastcoast website. You should complete the question sheet on Eastcoast Lifestyle. (Questions are following the videos) Feel free to print to the printer. You will work on this in class Mon and Tues and I would like this assignment handed in by the end of the week. 
A reminder all other work outstanding must be handed in by the end of the week if you want it marked.
Alex McClean's 💰 NET WORTH: $19 MILLION (2022)


Behind the Brand: East Coast Lifestyle  (On your own) 20 marks 

Please answer questions on a separate piece of paper TYPED IS BEST

  1. 1. Explain how Alex McClean got started as an entrepreneur. 

  1. 2. What was the most difficult thing he had to overcome as an entrepreneur? 

  1. 3. What was Alex’s original career choice? 

  1. 4. Alex was smart enough to realize he could not do everything himself, what positions did he hire people for? 

  1. 5. What achievements has Alex gained since starting his business? 

  1. 6. Collaborating in business is a smart idea, what collaborations has East Coast Lifestyle entered into? (list as many as you can find) 

  1. 7. As a business, Alex continues to work on improving his business. What things have been essential for him to continue working on in order to maintain success? 

  1. 8. When it comes to business management and hiring how are Johnny Cupcakes, and East Coast Lifestyle similar? 

  1. 9. How much money did Alex use to start his business? 

  1. 10. List 5 clothing products Eastcoast Lifestyle sells, and 5 product items they sell. 11. 11. 11. Evaluate the quality and efficiency of the website. What works, what could be improved upon? 

  1. 12. List  3 of ECL’s collaborations. 

  1. 13. Who do you think is ECL’s target market? (be specific) 

  1. 14. List a number of places where his clothing can be purchased. 

  1. 15. How does Eastcoast Lifestyle give back to the community? ( use research and his website) 

  1. 16. What spin off’s of ECL has Alex entered into? (see podcast video) 

  1. 17. Explain using examples why do you think ECL is so successful? 

  1. Behind the Brand: East Coast Lifestyle  (On your own) 20 marks 

    Please answer questions on a separate piece of paper. 

    1. Explain how Alex McClean got started as an entrepreneur. 

    1. What was the most difficult thing he had to overcome as an entrepreneur? 

    1. What was Alex’s original career choice? 

    1. Alex was smart enough to realize he could not do everything himself, what positions did he hire people for? 

    1. What achievements has Alex gained since starting his business? 

    1. Collaborating in business is a smart idea, what collaborations has East Coast Lifestyle entered into? (list as many as you can find) 

    1. As a business, Alex continues to work on improving his business. What things have been essential for him to continue working on in order to maintain success? 

    1. When it comes to business management and hiring how are Johnny Cupcakes, and East Coast Lifestyle similar? 

    1. How much money did Alex use to start his business? 

    1. List 5 clothing products Eastcoast Lifestyle sells, and 5 product items they sell. 

    1. Evaluate the quality and efficiency of the website. What works, what could be improved upon? 

    1. List  3 of ECL’s collaborations. 

    1. Who do you think is ECL’s target market? (be specific) 

    1. List a number of places where his clothing can be purchased. 

    1. How does Eastcoast Lifestyle give back to the community? ( use research and his website) 

    1. What spin off’s of ECL has he entered into? ( see podcast video) 

    1. Explain using examples why do you think ECL is so successful? 

 Creative Activity in Groups: t-shirt clothes pin mason jar ball of wool pkg tennis balls                    Marketing Trivia for Prizes