Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Tues Nov 1

Promotion belongs to the 4Ps of marketing. It's all about strategies and techniques that help communicate a product to the audience. The goal of promotions is to present your product, increase demand, and differentiate it. So, promotion is the basic element of marketing.

The four main tools of promotion are advertising, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing.

Notes on the Persuasion film:

  • advertisers are constantly trying to break through the clutter
  • advertisers try to create communication what drives consumers to buy
  • beloved brands create a sense of community or belonging
  • cults and branding are similar because they help people to feel like they belong or connect to something ( think Maslow)
  • Emotional branding provides a ready made identity
  • love mark is a brand that has created extreme brand loyalty, example of companies that have done this: Coke, Pepsi, Hallmark, Tide, Nike
  • more notes...language plays a big role in how people perceive things
  • Marketing exists not just in business but in sports, non-profit organizations, and in politics
  • Example: the Cancer Society has a Marketing Department
Discussion of Nike as a brand
  • strive to communicate excellence in sport through the use of high profile athletes
  • inspire active lifestyle through using the everyday individual in their advertising
  • promote a sense of quality, community, endurance, success

Brand Identity is created by:
  • what does your brand say
  • what does your brand value
  • how do you communicate your product to the consumer
  • how do people feel about your product
  • What is the "personality" of your product or business what impression do you leave on people

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